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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find some of the most common questions asked by our customers. If you can't find the answer to what you want to know, please send us an inquiry through here.

Why do you need to do Industrial Screening (Industrial Audiometry)?

Noise is generated during processes, operations and work activities. It is one of the most common occupational health hazards. Prolonged exposure to excessive noise can cause noise-induced hearing loss, or commonly known as noise-induced deafness (NID). NID refers to a permanent loss in hearing sensitivity which leads to communication difficulties, impairments of personal relationships, social isolation and degradation in the quality of life.

To protect employees from the adverse effects of noise, every workplace with a noise hazard should implement a comprehensive Hearing Conservation Programme (HCP), as part of the company's workplace safety and health (WSH) programme.

For more information please visit:,sg

source from Ministry of Manpower, Work Safety and Health programme

How long will it take for Industrial Screening (Industrial Audiometry)?

It will usually takes about 5-10 minutes per worker depending on their hearing abilities. If you have 20 workers, it will take approximately 2.5 hours to test all of them. Imagine having even more workers, the downtime is to send them to a hearing care clinic is detrimental to your production! That is why AudioLocket chooses to conduct the test at your site, having workers coming one by one to a room in your factory for the test, there is practically no downtime at all! 

What do I need to do after the Industrial Screening?

After receiving the report for the Audiometric Examination. The HR department has to send the reports to a Designated Factory Doctor (DFD) for counter-signing before submitting to MOM. You can also let us do the administrative work for you if you do not have a DFD. AudioLocket works with a panel of DFD who are able to assist in this matter.

What if the company does not have a Designated Factory Doctor (DFD)?

AudioLocket has partnership with a number of qualified DFDs, thus we will be able to recommend one to you if necessary.

Do I need a sound-proof room to do the Industrial Screening?

It is not necessary to have a specially treated sound-proofed room for the test. Just provide us with the quietest room you have and our professionals will gauge and inform you if it is suitable to conduct the test. Normally, the conference room or unoccupied office is a great place to conduct the test.

How to make payment for the services?

For your convenience, we offer several methods of payment. You can make payment through:

  • Paypal;

  • MasterCard or Visa through our paypal account;

  • Cheque;

  • Cash​

What is a Hearing Test?

How to read an Audiogram?

How long will it take for a Hearing Test?

It will usually takes about 45 - 60 minutes for the full Hearing Test, which includes:

  • Air Conduction test

  • Bone Conduction test

  • UnComfortable Level test (UCL)

  • Full Audiogram

  • Written report

  • Full explanation

Do I need a sound-proof room to do the Hearing Test?

It is not necessary to have a specially treated sound-proofed room for the test. Just provide us with the quietest room you have and our professionals will gauge and inform you if it is suitable to conduct the test. We can also provide Office space if requested.

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